Intercity Bus Station
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Bus Station Bodrum, Bus Terminal Bodrum, Bodrum Otogar Place, contact number, contact phone, telefon, email, map, old bodrum bus terminal

Contact InformationContact Information


The new Bodrum Bus Station was put into operation on June 25th, 2021 and has been operated since then on behalf of the city administration of Muğla Province. The main tasks of the board of directors of the province of Muğla are in addition to the monitoring and control of the Bus Station. This area of responsibility includes the marketing of commercial areas, the management of the parking lot, the cleaning of the bus station, the determination of the entrance and exit fees to the bus station, the operation of cafes and buffets, and the maintenance of security and order.

MUTTAŞ PHONE :    +90 (252) 212 48 50

The contact addresses and telephone numbers available for Bodrum Bus Station are listed below.

Muğla Metropolitan Municipality (Muttaş)

Call Center : 444 48 01
Muttaş Contact Form Page

Bodrum Bus Station Address

Torba Mahallesi, Rıza Anter Caddesi, 3012. Sokak No : 1, 48400 Bodrum, Mugla, Türkiye

( at the crossroads to Torba, Yalıçiftlik, Milas, Bodrum )

Location of the bus station on the map

Please click for a large map

Bodrum Bus Station Important Phone Numbers

Airport Bus

Muttaş Bodrum : +90 (542) 683 48 00

Havaş TR Call Center : +90 (850) 222 04 87


Terminal Taxis : +90 (252) 367 11 91

Torba Taxis 1 : +90 (252) 367 12 29

Torba Taxis 2 : +90 (252) 367 10 15

Luggage storage - Depository

Open from 08:00 - 20:00 - Phone : +90(252) 367 20 70

Lost property

Lost property - Coordinator Building : +90 (541) 562 48 00

Address : Çarşı Mahallesi, Cevat Şakir Caddesi. No:49/B, 48400 Bodrum, Muğla, Türkiye
Old Bodrum Bus Station

Bus companies - offices

Bus companies - offices
Photo : Bus companies - 12 offices

Below are the company names and their telephone numbers

1. Office

Villa Seyahat
+90 252 367 16 58

2. Office

Star Diyarbakır , Alanyalılar Seyahat, Gold İstanbul Turizm, İzmir Turizm, Elazığ Murat, Sivas Huzur Turizm, Lüks Aksel, Aras Turizm, Iğdır Turizm, Star Batman
+90 252 316 36 04 and +90 252 316 60 68

3. Office

Tokat Seyahat, Şirin Karadeniz, Balıkesir Hakser Turizm, Malatya Zafer Turizm, Can İstanbul Turizm, Erciş, Muş Ovası, Ben Turizm, Ege Seyahat, VİB, Varan
+90 252 316 54 58 and +90 252 316 78 49

4. Office

Metro Turizm, Isparta Petrol Turizm, Özlem Mardin Vif, Bizim Iğdır
+90 252 313 22 33 and +90 542 358 48 53

5. Office

Çanakkale Truva Turizm, cts didim, Gülaras Turizm, Hatay CSR Seyahat, Aydın Seyahat, Güney Akdeniz Seyahat, İzmir BODRUM, Balıkesir Uludağ, Ali Osman ULUSOY
+90 252 313 50 57 and +90 555 974 30 81

6. Office

Nilüfer Turizm, Topçam Turizm, Vangölü Turizm, Özlem Diyarbakır Seyahat, Kontur Tuizm, Süha Turizm, Astor Seyahat, Efe Tur
+90 252 316 15 09 and +90 252 316 32 50

7. Office

İzmir Mavi, Doğan Körfez, HAS Turizm, Düzce Güven Seyahat, Ağrı Seç Turizm, İstanbul Seyahat
+90 252 313 43 03

8. Office

Mis Amasya Turizm, Kale Seyahat
Mis Amasya Turizm : +90 252 367 12 59 and +90 535 249 0897
Kale Seyahat : +90 252 367 12 59 and +90 539 271 72 16

9. Office

Tokat Yıldızı, L. Kahramanmaraş Turizm, İstanbul Kalesi, Patnos İtimat, Hatay NUR, Best Van, Adıyaman Anka Seyahat, Başkent Ankara, Mardin Seyahat, Antalya Net Seyahat
+90 252 313 16 62

10. Office

No Office Phone.
Rota Turizm, Can Diyarbakır Turizm
Only Can Diyarbakır Turizm : +90 552 338 96 21

11. Office

Pamukkale Turizm, Anadolu Seyahat, SEÇ Turizm, Yatağan Koop
Call Center : +90 850 333 35 35

12. Office

Kamil Koç - Flixbus
+90 536 932 53 41

Old bus station in city centrum - Contact

Old bus station address :

Çarşı Mahallesi, Cevat Şakir Caddesi No : 1, 48400 Bodrum, Mugla, Türkiye

Old bus station Telefon : +90 (252) 316 26 37

Old bus station Taxis : +90 (252) 316 15 15

Old bus station on the map

On the big map

Bodrum Otogar website

Send e-Mail
What's in the terminal?
✓ Luggage storage | Depository,
✓ Ticket recharging machines,
✓ Restaurant & Buffet & Cafe,
✓ Cash machines (ATM),
✓ Charging and electrical sockets,
✓ Toilets - WC, 5 disabled toilets,
✓ 1 shoe shine service (closed),
✓ 1 hairdresser,

✓ Escalators and Barrier-free ramps,

✓ 2 elevators,

✓ Automatic sliding doors with photocells,

✓ Small goods transport vehicles,

✓ Wi-Fi service (wireless) - Internet,

✓ 2 wheelchairs,

✓ 2 masjids (separately for men and women),

✓ 1 infirmary,

✓ 2 baby care rooms,

✗ There is NO parking for buses.